Solid Chemistry You Can Count On

Terra Firma can be counted on to deliver. Representing a comprehensive network of premier Supplier Partners, we provide the best solutions designed and tested for use within key industries including: CASE, Construction, Plastics & Composites, Agrochemical, Ceramics, Graphic Arts, Health & Nutrition, Household, Industrial & Institutional (HI&I), Lubricants, Oil & Gas, Personal Care, Rubber, and Textile. Our market reach, experience, and technical acumen ensures you have partnered with a single source to provide the overall solutions you need to meet your unique needs – and you’ll have confidence knowing you will receive the right products when you need them.

Our Customers trust us to:

  • Honor Commitments
  • Deliver Products on Time
  • Respond Quickly & Offer Flexibility
  • Provide Market Intelligence
  • Offer Product & Techn